Макс Каррадос


Три сборника детективных рассказов и отдельная повесть:

Max Carrados (1914)

  1. "The Coin of Dionysius"
  2. "The Knight's Cross Signal Problem"
  3. "The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage"
  4. "The Clever Mrs. Straithwaite"
  5. "The Last Exploit of Harry the Actor"
  6. "The Tilling Shaw Mystery"
  7. "The Comedy at Fountain Cottage"
  8. "The Game Played in the Dark"

The Eyes of Max Carrados (1923)

  1. "The Virginiola Fraud"
  2. "The Disappearance of Marie Severe"
  3. "The Secret of Dunstan's Tower"
  4. "The Mystery of the Poisoned Dish of Mushrooms"
  5. "The Ghost of Massingham Mansions"
  6. "The Missing Actress Sensation"
  7. "The Ingenious Mr. Spinola"
  8. "The Kingsmouth Spy Case"
  9. "The Eastern Mystery"

Max Carrados Mysteries (1927)

  1. "The Secret of Headlam Height"
  2. "The Mystery of the Vanished Petition Crown"
  3. "The Holloway Flat Tragedy"
  4. "The Curious Circumstances of the Two Left Shoes"
  5. "The Ingenious Mind of Mr. Rigby Lacksome"
  6. "The Crime at the House in Culver Street"
  7. "The Strange Case of Cyril Bycourt"
  8. "The Missing Witness Sensation"

The Bravo of London (1934)

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Макс Каррадос

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