Перри Мейсон


Перри Мейсон (англ. Perry Mason) — практикующий лос-анджелесский адвокат, литературный персонаж из детективных романов Эрла Гарднера. Главным отличием Мейсона от других литературных адвокатов является то, что помимо представительства клиентов в суде Мейсон проводит своё частное расследование, параллельно с полицией осуществляет собственные следственные мероприятия, самолично исследует места преступлений, обстоятельства их совершения, вещественные доказательства и добывает другие сведения, которые могут помочь оправдать его клиентов и изобличить истинных преступников.
Благодаря романам о приключениях Мейсона Эрл Гарднер стал одним из самых издаваемых писателей США. Первый роман о приключениях Мейсона вышел в 1933 г. Литературная серия из восьмидесяти романов и коротких рассказов продолжалась почти сорок лет, до 1973 г., когда был выпущен последний написанный непосредственно Гарднером роман о приключениях Мейсона

Библиография серии:

1. The Case of the Velvet Claws March 1933
2. The Case of the Sulky Girl September 1933
3. The Case of the Lucky Legs February 1934
4. The Case of the Howling Dog June 1934
5. The Case of the Curious Bride November 1934
6. The Case of the Counterfeit Eye April 1935
7. The Case of the Caretaker's Cat September 1935
8. The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece March 1936
9. The Case of the Stuttering Bishop September 1936
10. The Case of the Dangerous Dowager April 1937
11. The Case of the Lame Canary September 1937
12. The Case of the Substitute Face April 1938
13. The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe September 1938
14. The Case of the Perjured Parrot February 1939
15. The Case of the Rolling Bones September 1939
16. The Case of the Baited Hook March 1940
17. The Case of the Silent Partner November 1940
18. The Case of the Haunted Husband February 1941
19. The Case of the Empty Tin October 1941
20. The Case of the Drowning Duck May 1942
21. The Case of the Careless Kitten September 1942
22. The Case of the Buried Clock May 1943
23. The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito September 1943
24. The Case of the Crooked Candle May 1944
25. The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde November 1944
26. The Case of the Golddigger's Purse May 1945
27. The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife September 1945
28. The Case of the Borrowed Brunette November 1946
29. The Case of the Fan Dancer's Horse June 1947
30. The Case of the Crying Swallow August 1947
31. The Case of the Lazy Lover October 1947
32. The Case of the Lonely Heiress February 1948
33. The Case of the Crimson Kiss June 1948
34. The Case of the Vagabond Virgin July 1948
35. The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom February 1949
36. The Case of the Cautious Coquette May 1949
37. The Case of the Negligent Nymph January 1950
38. The Case of the One-Eyed Witness November 1950
39. The Case of the Feiry Fingers May 1951
40. The Case of the Angry Mourner October 1951
41. The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink April 1952
42. The Case of the Grinning Gorilla November 1952
43. The Case of the Irate Witness January 17, 1953
44. The Case of the Hesitant Hostess April 1953
45. The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister November 1953
46. The Case of the Fugitive Nurse February 1954
47. The Case of the Runaway Corpse June 1954
48. The Case of the Restless Redhead October 1954
49. The Case of the Glamorous Ghost January 1955
50. The Case of the Sunbather's Diary May 1955
51. The Case of the Nervous Accomplice September 1955
52. The Case of the Terrified Typist January 1956
53. The Case of the Demure Defendant May 1956
54. The Case of the Gilded Lily September 1956
55. The Case of the Lucky Loser January 1957
56. The Case of the Screaming Woman May 1957
57. The Case of the Daring Decoy October 1957
58. The Case of the Long Legged Models January 1958
59. The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll May 1958
60. The Case of the Calendar Girl October 1958
61. The Case of the Deadly Toy January 1959
62. The Case of the Mythical Monkeys June 1959
63. The Case of the Singing Skirt September 1959
64. The Case of the Waylaid Wolf January 1960
65. The Case of the Duplicate Daughter June 1960
66. The Case of the Shapely Shadow October 1960
67. The Case of the Spurious Spinster March 1961
68. The Case of the Bigamous Spouse August 1961
69. The Case of the Reluctant Model January 1962
70. The Case of the Blonde Bonanza June 1962
71. The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands October 1962
72. The Case of the Mischievous Doll February 1963
73. The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret June 1963
74. The Case of the Amorous Aunt September 1963
75. The Case of the Daring Divorcee February 1964
76. The Case of the Phantom Fortune May 1964
77. The Case of the Horrified Heirs September 1964
78. The Case of the Troubled Trustee February 1965
79. The Case of the Beautiful Beggar June 1965
80. The Case of the Worried Waitress August 1966
81. The Case of the Queenly Contestant May 1967
82. The Case of the Careless Cupid March 1968
83. The Case of the Fabulous Fake November 1969
84. The Case of the Fenced-In Woman September 1972
85. The Case of the Postponed Murder 1973

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Перри Мейсон

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