paid one week subscription

Dear Sirs,

Could you please authorize my paid access to your website, as I've paid via PayPal the amount requested for one week subscription - 199,00 Rubles.
Thank you in advance for your kind attention and prompt answer,
Best regards,
Veneta Alexandrova



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имя пользователя: Venialex
пароль: Rumigalia83

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-- Либрусек team

-------- Оригинално писмо --
Тема: Receipt for Your Payment to RealDeal Solutions Inc.
Дата: Thu, 29 May 2014 04:36:42 -0700
До: Abanos Ltd Veneta Aleksandrova

PayPal logo May 29, 2014 04:35:47 PDT
Transaction ID: 34H86975KK660540N
Hello Abanos Ltd Veneta Aleksandrova,

You sent a payment of $5.77 USD to RealDeal Solutions Inc.
([email protected])

It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
RealDeal Solutions Inc.

347-827-2222 Instructions to merchant
You haven't entered any instructions.
Shipping address - unconfirmed
Abanos Ltd Veneta Aleksandrova
13, Kademlia Str. 52
Sofia, Sofia
Shipping details
The seller hasn’t provided any shipping details yet.
PayPal Buyer Protection
Description Unit price Qty Amount

$5.77 USD 1 $5.77 USD
Subtotal $5.77 USD
Total $5.77 USD
Payment $5.77 USD
Charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *REALDEALSOL"
Payment sent to

From amount 8.66 BGN
To amount $5.77 USD
Exchange rate: 1 BGN = 0.666550 USD

Invoice ID: 259503368
